Thursday, May 24, 2007

Why am I a believer in God?

In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day, there are Signs for people with intelligence: those who remember Allah, standing, sitting and lying on their sides, and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth: "Our Lord, You have not created this for nothing. Glory be to You! So safeguard us from the punishment of the Fire." (Qur'an, 3:190-191)

There's been a lot of news stories about aggressive atheists blaming religious belief for every evil in the world. In many cases, they seem to think that they are intellectually superior to the believers. I agree that there are many evil and despicable people who preach religion and blame God for their terrible behavior. However, it seems to me that it is more the believers, Muslim, Christian whatever who you see giving of their income for the poor, trying to spread literacy etc more than atheists. Some people see all the faults of the believers and do not acknowledge that secular ideologies such as nationalism, communism or eugenics have been just as destructive without many of the postive aspects which religion brings to the lives of its believers, and they in turn bring to their environment. So there should be some balance in these accusations.

Beyond all this however, my reason for belief is that I look at the world, from the stars, to the rain that falls, to the wondrously formed hands of my children and I see the work of a Great Artist. I don't just see random splodges of paint. I don't believe that God is only about love as some would say, He has also created this world as a test of the human soul. We see good and bad and all the shades of grey but still for me those Signs point to the One, the Creator and Originator.

For the atheist, they look at the same signs and they don't see what I see. I accept that, and leave it up to God to judge between me and them someday. But as Bob Dylan once said, "don't criticize what you can't understand" My observation is that atheists are not more charitable, more tolerant or even necessary more open-minded than believers. The next time I hear the juvenile "religion is the cause of all wars" or "the world would be a better place without religion", I challenge them to look at Hitler's Germany or Stalin's USSR and argue that those secular states were any better than even the worst religious ones.


ibnu_umar said...

Salam again, brother yahya.

I am very impressed when you choose this verse (3:190-191). And it made me even more flabbergasted when I read your reflection about the verse.

It is just the same as what I have learnt in my weekly islamic study circle at the local mosque. The topic was "Makrifatullah" or in other words, Knowing your God.

The syeikh told us that, if a person who possess a pure heart pondering about the creation of heavens and earth while they standing, sitting and lying (or in simple terms in everything that he do) will soon find the trace of Greatness of the Greatest Architect of this world. This is what Abraham did when he tried to search for the Creator.

However, a person with a sick mind and dead heart, when he see all this miracles of God, all this ultimate creation of heavens and earth, he didnt find anything but he deviates further and further from the straight path. Indeed when Paroah sees the mukjizat from Prophet Moses pbuh, he just said, "indeed this is just pure black magic". This reaction is just the same as this 'shallow minded' atheist people when they see how Quranic verses contains scientific facts they just ignore it and then they came with many idiotic theory how this world come about.

I know out there, there are still a lot of people with pure heart and sound mind who still in search of Allah, the True Creator. And I pray that Allah will guide them to see the light of Islam.. amin..

Anonymous said...

Yahya, can you explain what is / are the differential in the creator God of Christianity and Allah of Islam.

I am confused whether there is any God and if there is one, should I believe in Him / Her.

Belief in God is the main ingredient in both Islam and Christianity. That is to say, if one day, it is convinced that there is no God exist, then the whole things that once people believe in will just crumble overnight.

Can you enlighten me in this?